Bulgarian Bag Front Rock-It
The Bulgarian bag front rock-it is a great exercise I learned with clubbell training. This movement teaches you how to move your body around the weight as a counter balance when swinging a heavy weight.
The Bulgarian bag front rock-it is a great exercise I learned with clubbell training. This movement teaches you how to move your body around the weight as a counter balance when swinging a heavy weight.
The Bulgarian Bag military press is a great upper body strengthening exercise that will work the shoulders through the entire range of motion, builds shoulder stability whilst increasing overall core strength.
Bulgarian bags can be used in various ways for rowing type exercises depending on goals. If your goal is to build strong upper back muscles the main handles will allow you to lift a heavier weight. If your goal is to build pinch grip strength then use the side handles.
Bulgarian bags are great for adding external weight to push ups as the crescent shaped bag contours the body perfectly with the straps being used to hold the bag in place. Normally to add extra resistance to push ups you would need to wear a weight vest or have a gym buddy place a weight…
Bulgarian bag Lunges are a fantastic unilateral exercise that will improve your balance and coordination. The Bulgarian bag can be held in multiple different positions which will all challenge the body very differently. Most beginners will actually find performing forward lunges more challenging than performing reverse lunges, so we always start with the latter.
Bulgarian bag Good mornings are a great hip dominant exercise that challenges the posterior chain and most especially the hamstrings. Quite a similar exercise to the Romanian deadlift but because of the increased leverage of holding the load further away from the fulcrum (hips), far less weight is required as the weight will feel heavier.
Bulgarian Bag Deadlifts are a staple part of exercise program and is the technique we use for picking up the Bulgarian bag from the floor for many linear Bulgarian bag movements.
When performing Bulgarian Bag squats the bag can be held a number of ways, holding the bag differently will challenge the body in different ways. For example, placing the bag on one shoulder will unilaterally load the body whereas the headlock hold will target the arms. Try holding the Bulgarian bag in different holds to…